

The 剧院 program offers rigorous conservatory-style training within a well-rounded liberal arts education at an affordable public school price. The program is constructed to help students meet the rigorous demands of a professional career in 剧院 and to provide a strong artistic foundation and practical experience. The program is led by a dynamic faculty composed of current and former artistic directors, 演员, 歌手, 设计师, and dancers with deep connections to top industry professionals from coast to coast.

CMU的表演/导演艺术学士课程提供严格的, conservatory-style training within a well-rounded liberal arts education at an affordable public school price. The program is designed to prepare young 剧院 artists for the fast-paced, 充满挑战和不断变化的舞台世界, 电视和电影. The program is led by a dynamic faculty composed of current and former artistic directors, 演员, 歌手, 设计师 and dancers with connections to top industry professionals from coast to coast. 代理/导演 students can expect a full sequence of Stanislavski-based acting classes, 除了学习莎士比亚之外, 以及语音训练, 演讲, 对着镜头表演, 脚本分析, 运动, 阶段战斗, 化妆, 舞蹈和更多. 项目完成后, 拥有CMU BFA学位的学生将具备这些技能, knowledge and confidence necessary to either gain admittance to top graduate programs or to directly enter the profession.


pp电子极速糖果, we cultivate daring artistic and scholarly pioneers poised to be the luminaries our industry demands. CMU strives to promote an environment where students exist as an ensemble of artists, 谁一起创造工作并且是彼此的积极支持者. 这是一个亲密而严格的项目. We give personalized attention to students with a specific focus on making students the best version of themselves. 该计划强调绝对参与和沉浸在我们的季节. This deep involvement within a production process prepares students for the rigors and demands of producing 剧院 well beyond the walls of CMU. 莫斯表演艺术中心的设施是最先进的. 我们拥有多层次的服装制作和设计设施, 景观建筑面积宽敞, a robust and fully rigged proscenium space and an experimental black-box style 剧院.


CMU’s 音乐剧院 美术学士 program offers rigorous conservatory-style training within a well-rounded liberal arts education at an affordable public school price. 该项目旨在应对行动中的三重威胁, singing of multiple styles of music and 运动 in multiple styles of dance. The program is led by a dynamic faculty composed of current and former artistic directors, 演员, 歌手, 设计师 and dancers with connections to top industry professionals from coast to coast. 音乐剧院 students develop all disciplines of performance in an intimate setting. Individuality and versatility are at the heart of all acting courses (from contemporary to Shakespeare), 声乐研究(包括爵士乐), 流行和摇滚)和舞蹈课程(爵士乐), 踢踏舞和嘻哈).


The 戏剧艺术系 offers one of the most successful 剧院 training degree programs in Colorado. 剧院 arts majors choose from two distinct concentrations in the 美术学士 degree in 戏剧艺术 (代理/导演 or 音乐剧院), two concentrations of the BA (戏剧艺术 or 设计/技术) or the BFA in 跳舞 and acquire a sound understanding of the performing arts in state-of-the-art facilities. The goal of this program is to encourage general 剧院 studies for students who may be interested in theatrical careers outside of performance or design/technology, 比如生产, 艺术管理, 教学, 戏剧或剧本创作. 从第一学期开始, students follow a curriculum that offers a grounding in the fundamentals while allowing the flexibility to focus or move between dance, 剧院, 音乐剧或设计/技术剧院选项.


The communication studies minor offers a broad range of courses focusing on human communication behaviors and is designed to complement any major. The coursework is designed to improve oral message sending and relational communication skills. 在一项全球行业调查中, 公司及公共机构, communication skills ranked FIRST among the personal qualities of college graduates sought by employers. A communication studies minor gives graduates communication credibility and opens many doors. It also enhances interpersonal relationships — students gain valuable conflict resolution and leadership skills, 学会赢得争论, 发现说服的力量, 公开发言, use nonverbal and visual communication more effectively and are able to do it all in an increasingly connected, 多元化的全球社会.


通过戏剧辅修, students may choose courses from a broad range of theatrical endeavors including: acting, 风景, 服装, 剧院历史, 戏剧教学, 艺术管理和戏剧文学. Students will also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the creation of shows in the CMU 剧院 season.



All incoming freshmen or transfer students must audition to be considered for 奖学金 and to gain admission into the 文学学士 and 美术学士 programs in 代理/导演, 音乐、戏剧和舞蹈. 虽然这不是必需的, 设计/技术 students are strongly encouraged to interview for admission and scholarship consideration.



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