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The faculty of the Art and 设计部门 believe that regular attendance is key to a student's success in the program. Faculty are here to help our students and we can do the best job helping students when they are working on artwork in our classrooms. 记住这一点, the Art and 设计部门 has established an attendance policy above and beyond the campus-wide policy listed in the CMU Student Handbook.

Students are expected to attend all sessions of a course and if unable to do so, should contact the instructor via e-mail, 电话留言, 等. (Contacting the instructor does not automatically mean an absence is excused. The instructor of record determines if an absence is either excused or unexcused.) Students are responsible for missed assignments, quizzes or tests and should make arrangements with the instructor to complete those in case of absences. Being late or leaving class early is considered disruptive and is unacceptable behavior except under extreme circumstances or with prior approval. After 3 unexcused absences the student's final grade will be lowered a letter grade for each absence.

Additional policies may apply at the discretion of individual faculty members. Students should read each course syllabus carefully and keep them as a reference.

Black and White Photo of Classroom full of students during the Stan Fellows Watercolor Workshop