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“没有哪个教育领域比外语教育具有更大的潜力,也没有哪个领域的责任更大,因为在我们的课堂上,我们有机会帮助学生变得开放, 接受, caring citizens of the world community.——莫兰小姐

除了提供西班牙语的基本知识, pp电子极速糖果的西班牙语教师致力于帮助学生培养有效的西班牙语交际技巧,并提供语言与各种文化表现形式之间关系的理解.



西班牙语课程旨在为那些对西班牙语有坚实基础和理解的学生做准备和研究生, 文化, and artifacts of the Hispanic world. 他们将准备继续他们的教育或追求职业生涯在许多领域, including many that are not directly related to Spanish (i.e.(如医学、法律、政治学)以及与语言直接相关的专业(如.e., teaching, translating, interpreting, editing). 当学生成为知情公民时,他们将发展成为变革动力的能力.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

为了实现我们的使命和达到机构学生的学习成果, 西班牙语课程选择了以下学生的学习成果, 括号中是pp电子极速糖果的学生学习成果.


  1. Express themselves coherently in written and oral Spanish. (Communication Fluency)
  2. 应用 knowledge of the structure of the Spanish language, 包括语法, phonetics/phonology, and morphology in speech and writing. (应用学习)
  3. Demonstrate an awareness, 理解, 以及重要文艺运动/作品的鉴赏, 语言学, 历史, 翻译, 解释, and/or cultural aspects in relation to the Spanish-speaking world. (Specialized Knowledge)
  4. 展示西班牙语世界中存在的语言变化的知识. (Specialized Knowledge)
  5. 开发一个研究项目,重点是在学生选择的领域中西班牙语的应用.g. analyzes significant literary movements/works and the authors; the application of Spanish in a professional context; second language acquisition or teaching methodologies). (Critical Thinking)
  6. 比较西班牙裔和其他美国人的共同点和不同点.S. 文化. (Critical Thinking)
  7. Reflect on and respond to ethical, 社会, 公民, and/or environmental challenges at local, 国家, and/or global levels. (Personal and Social Responsibility)
  8. 在他们的书面研究中寻找并纳入可靠的、相关的学术资料. (Information Literacy)

Why Is Spanish and 拉美裔研究 Worth Considering?

pp电子极速糖果的西班牙语和西班牙语研究专业旨在提供知识和技能,以便用西班牙语进行有效的沟通, 以及对西班牙语及其文化与我们生活的世界的关系的理解. 西班牙语和西班牙语研究专业的学生可以获得对半岛和拉丁美洲语言和文学的宝贵见解, their histories and their 文化. With a focused study of Spanish phonetics and phonology, 学生还将了解西班牙语的语言特性. 本课程培养学生对西半球使用的西班牙语的多种变体的广泛理解,以及在语言发展的各个阶段是如何使用西班牙语的.这种广度的研究为毕业生提供了理解和导航我们地区西班牙语人口中存在的各种语音特征的细微差别的能力, in the United States, and in the 21 Spanish-speaking countries.

What can I do with this Major?

Graduates from CMU’s Spanish & 拉美裔研究 program work in a variety of professions, such as directors of human services, 法律 enforcement officers, 律师, 企业主, administrators for nonprofit organizations, 老师, 和政治家. 在许多情况下,我们的毕业生继续在研究生院学习, 他们在哪些方面提高了他们在这些领域以及其他各种领域的技能, such as 社会 work, 法律, 卫生保健, 和教育.

Thinking of Becoming an Interpreter or Translator?

The major provides invaluable insights and cultural competencies. 你的下一步可能是为你的双语技能增加专业策略. 你可能会考虑接受高薪和非常理想的职业培训,成为专业的翻译和口译员, working in the courts and medical fields. 考虑到美国的人口结构,以及它是移民的目的地国, 为西班牙语社区服务所需的技能需求量很大, both locally and in the country as a whole. 在追求证书和专业课程的研究生学习(i.e. 加州蒙特雷明德学院或丹佛大学),毕业于CMU西班牙语专业 & 西班牙裔研究项目的学生可以担任法庭和医疗口译员以及自由翻译, 在那里,他们能够运用他们在诸如医疗和社会服务西班牙语(FLAS 431)等课程中获得的文化能力, 专业西班牙语(FLAS 433)翻译入门(FLAS 434)和口译入门(FLAS 435).

Spanish and 拉美裔研究 Major

 See the course requirements for the Spanish Major at HIspanic Studies Major


科罗拉多梅萨的西班牙语教师因其专业知识和经验而受到重视. 在他们的队伍中, there is a professional journalist; a federally-certified translator/interpreter; a specialist in 语言学; a specialist in Latin American women writers; and a specialist in Spanish for Secondary Education. 教职员工在各自的专业领域和日常研究中都很活跃, 现在, 咨询, publish and lecture. 西班牙语老师




Are you curious about which Spanish class to take? 找出


Our offices are always open to our students. Please stop by and visit with us about our program. Our offices are located on the second floor of Escalante Hall.

Declare a major or minor

If you would like to declare a major or minor in Spanish, please see Shannon Davidson in Escalante Hall 237. She can also be reached at 970.248.1687

西班牙语可以补充任何其他专业,使学生在各自的领域更有市场. Please see the requirements for minoring in Spanish. 辅修西班牙语